Dirty Diamonds Vol 7


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A signed copy of the anthology "Dirty Diamonds Vol 7: Imagination" which includes the short story comic "Adaptation" by Mirana.

As a special bonus books will include a sketch from the artist!

"Dirty Diamonds, an award-winning all-girl comic anthology celebrating its fifth anniversary, features the semi-autobiographical work of female comic creators from around the world. Each book focuses on a central theme, and for our seventh installment we've gathered all-ages comics from over 60 creators and artists from 10 different countries about imagination!

A perfect-bound, 8.5" x 11", black and white, 200+ page book featuring a spot gloss cover by Rebecca Mock."

(Sample art from: Rebecca Mock, Mirana Reveier, Jennifer Chan, Anna Krzton, & Caitlin Skaalrud)



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